We are proud to present our SWIFT & BIC codes online database. This website contains almost a hundred thousand financial and non-financial institutions data and Business Identifier Codes that are mainly used for money transfers (transactions) between banks or other institutions, particularly for international wire transfers, and also for the exchange of other messages between them.

We do our best to keep this website up to date. Our main goal is to provide an easy way to locate and validate a swift code and keep up to date with financial institutions' other data (like entity names, office locations, etc). All the information is provided for free, and we hope that our hard work to collect and organize this information is appreciated and will be useful to people out there. If you would like to contribute to our website, feel free to use the contact page by clicking here.

All rights reserved. Use of this site is subject to Terms of Use and to our Privacy Policy.

Developed by www.bank-codes.com